Student cards

About the student card

Caixa Geral de Depósitos - CGD is the partner bank of Iscte in issuing student cards.

The card is important in the student's academic life. It is used to mark attendance in classes (this function is not yet active in Iscte-Sintra), to identify the student in the concessionaires that provide lunches and dinners at social prices agreed with Iscte, to allow access to libraries and to request books, to allow access to the campus outside normal opening hours, among others.

The card can associate a bank account or not. It is up to the student to decide if he/she wants the card to have a banking function. The students who want it, but don't have an account with CGD, can now open one.

How to request the student card

At the start of the school year:

  • in person at Iscte-Lisbon and Iscte-Sintra - CGD has a physical presence at the Iscte campuses for the immediate issue of provisional cards:
    • LISBON - September 9 to October 4, 10am to 7pm, study room (building I)
    • SINTRA - August 26 to 29 and September 16 to 20, 10am to 4pm, multi-purpose room


  • online at - mandatory to have Digital Mobile Key. Applying in this way does not guarantee the student an immediate provisional card. Unavailable option for students with a temporary residence permit or passport associated with the CMD. 
  • in a CGD branch - not all branches have the equipment to issue the card, so the student should ask a member of staff before waiting. This year, Caixa will be at Iscte-Lisbon one afternoon a month, every month of the year, to avoid students arriving late or unable to process their card having to go to a branch. The exact day and time will be publicised on the networks and official channels, but the location will always be the same: Espaço Estudante!

Documents to present:

  • ID card.
  • Proof of address.
  • Proof of enrolment. 
  • This card does not neet to be activated.
  • If the card passes red for more than 3 days, please go to the IT support in building 2, 7th floor.

Where to pick up the definite card

The students who request the student card with banking functions will receive the definite card, with name and photograph, at their address.

The students who request the student card without banking functions collect the definite card, with name and photograph, in the admissions office and general attendance (Unidade de Acesso e Integração dos Estudantes) - room 1S03/ 1S05.

The list of final cards available for collection is available on this page, by looking for your student number in the list. The numbers are in ascending order within each column (i.e., scroll down the first column to the end of the document, then the second, etc.) If your number is on the list, you should pick up your card in room 1S03/ 1S05 (Ed. Sedas Nunes), from 9.30am to 6.30pm.

List of cards available for collection:

Available | Academic year 2023/2024

How to activate the definite card (unavailable)

At the IT support in building 2, 7th floor.


(to be available) Activation in Fénix+ will soon be possible and replace in-person attendance at the IT support:

FENIX+ > > Access cards > My cards > Card management (cross serial no. on the portal with the card's serial no.)

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